Bundle API
Send bundles to builders.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundleCrossRollup",
"params": [
txs, // HashMap[String, String], This contains a mapping of signed transactions alonside their corresponding chainIds which we want to execute in an atomic bundle.
blockNumbers, // HashMap[String, String], This contains a mapping of chainIds alongside the corresponding hex encoded block number which this bundle will be valid on.
minTimestamp, // (Optional) Number, the minimum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
maxTimestamp, // (Optional) Number, the maximum timestamp for which this bundle is valid, in seconds since the unix epoch
revertingTxHashes, // (Optional) Array[String], A list of tx hashes that are allowed to revert
replacementUuid, // (Optional) String, UUID that can be used to cancel/replace this bundle
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "123",
"result": {
"bundleHash": "0x2228f5d8954ce31dc1601a8ba264dbd401bf1428388ce88238932815c5d6f23f"
Test a bundle’s validity across multiple rollups for specific block numbers on the given rollups.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_callBundleCrossRollup",
"params": [
txs, // HashMap[String, String], This contains a mapping of signed transactions alonside their corresponding chainIds which we want to execute in an atomic bundle.
blockNumbers, // HashMap[String, String], This contains a mapping of chainIds alongside the corresponding hex encoded block number which this bundle will be valid on.
stateBlockNumbers, // HashMap[String, String], This contains a mapping of chainIds alongside the corresponding hex encoded block number or a block tag for which state to base this simulation on. Can use "latest"
timestamp, // (Optional) Number, the timestamp to use for this bundle simulation, in seconds since the unix epoch
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "123",
"result": [
"chain": "optimism",
"data": {
"bundleGasPrice": "543210543210",
"bundleHash": "0xa1b2c3d4e5f678901234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcd12",
"coinbaseDiff": "15000000000150000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "15000000000000000",
"gasFees": "95000",
"results": [
"coinbaseDiff": "7500000000085000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "7500000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0x987654321aefcda0123456789abcdef987654321",
"gasFees": "47500",
"gasPrice": "543210543210",
"gasUsed": 19000,
"toAddress": "0xabcdef1234567890abcdef9876543210abcdef12",
"txHash": "0xbbccddee112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbcc",
"value": "0x"
"coinbaseDiff": "7500000000085000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "7500000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0x123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef123456789",
"gasFees": "47500",
"gasPrice": "543210543210",
"gasUsed": 19000,
"toAddress": "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
"txHash": "0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00bbccddee112233445566778899aabbcc",
"value": "0x"
"stateBlockNumber": 6221595,
"totalGasUsed": 38000
"chain": "polygon",
"data": {
"bundleGasPrice": "987654321987",
"bundleHash": "0xdecaf0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789",
"coinbaseDiff": "25000000000250000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "25000000000000000",
"gasFees": "152000",
"results": [
"coinbaseDiff": "12500000000125000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "12500000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0xfe0123456789abcdef9876543210abcdef987654",
"gasFees": "76000",
"gasPrice": "987654321987",
"gasUsed": 23000,
"toAddress": "0x01abcdef9876543210abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"txHash": "0x123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01",
"value": "0x"
"coinbaseDiff": "12500000000125000",
"ethSentToCoinbase": "12500000000000000",
"fromAddress": "0xabcdef0123456789abcdef9876543210abcdef9876",
"gasFees": "76000",
"gasPrice": "987654321987",
"gasUsed": 23000,
"toAddress": "0x9876543210abcdef9876543210abcdef01234567",
"txHash": "0xabcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789",
"value": "0x"
"stateBlockNumber": 7221605,
"totalGasUsed": 46000
Prevents a submitted bundle from being included in a chunk that is sent to Baton and included on-chain.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_cancelBundleCrossRollup",
"params": [
replacementUuid, // UUIDv4 to uniquely identify submission
NodeKit is backwards compatible with most Flashbots MEV APIs like eth_callBundle, eth_sendBundle, and eth_cancelBundle. To submit to these bundles you must specify which chainId you wish to use the bundle method on using the request header.
Example Request:
curl -H 'X-Chain-ID: optimism' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_callBundle","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8080
Last updated